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Four Facts about Using Donated Sperm That You Probably Didn’t Know

Posted on January 1, 2020

The process of using donated sperm is somewhat shrouded in mystery. For example, some people incorrectly believe that any man can simply submit a sample at random in exchange for a quick buck. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, sperm donation is an extensive, precise process in which great care is taken to ensure that only high-quality sperm are obtained for implantation.

If you’re considering using a sperm donor to help build or grow your family, here are some things you may not realize:

  1. Sperm donation is a very selective process. In order to be considered a qualified donor, applicants must go through a comprehensive series of tests and screenings. In addition to having their sperm tested for quality and availability, applicants must also undergo a slew of medical exams in order to identify any general health problems, infectious diseases, genetic disorders, and psychological issues. Some of these screenings are repeated periodically in order to confirm that the donor continues to be healthy.
  2. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that anonymously donated sperm be quarantined for a period of at least six months after the date of donation. At this time, the sperm donor must be retested for any infectious diseases. This is done to ensure that the sperm is healthy and free of communicable illnesses.
  3. For some, the idea of using an anonymous donor, no matter how healthy, is very unappealing. However, in some ways, anonymous donation is anonymous in name only. While you may not know the name of your sperm donor, you will end up knowing very intimate details about his life, such as his complete medical history, talents, interests, and personality traits.
  4. Still, if anonymous sperm donation feels like the wrong choice for you, you can choose an alternative option known as directed sperm donation. This is when the recipient receives sperm from someone she or the couple knows, such as a friend or a family member. For some couples and individuals, this is a way of keeping the genetic material of their child familiar to them.

While it can be a great way to start or grow a family, directed sperm donation generally comes with more legal and psychological complexities than using an anonymous donor does.

Using donated sperm can be a great way to build or grow the family of your dreams. However, because of misconceptions about the process, many fertility-challenged individuals and couples question whether donated sperm is the solution to their problems.

Here at the Fertility Center of California, we’re available to address any questions or concerns you have about the process. Whether you’ve decided to use a sperm donor or would just like to learn more about our sperm donor program, please contact our team and set up a consultation.

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